Back to School Basics
Everyone's been enjoying the summer weather lately and all I can think about is preparing for back to school. The pandemic definitely changed the usual buying trends of the seasons but this year the dreaded "It's the most wonderful time of the year" commercial has sparked a reminder that school is just around the corner and (spoiler alert), so is fall. Preparing to go to College or University is exciting, especially if you're living on your own. The biggest challenge is balancing school with the opportunity to explore all the substances that you're now legally allowed to indulge in. Consuming responsibly should always be at the top of the priority list but how do you prepare for cannabis consumption without getting carried away and more importantly without blowing budget.
No matter the setup there are always the 5 basics.
1. A device to smoke out of
2. Grinder or tool
3. Ashtray
4. Lighter or Torch
5. Cleaning Solution

These 5 basics don't complete the PERFECT set up but you definitely need them to be able to smoke. A tray or mat to stop the mess or a devise to help eliminate the smell is beneficial and a backup item in case a break or malfunction happens is always wise. If you have the luxury of carving out a sesh spot and are wondering what to buy, we've made a few lists of our favorite accessories to get you started.
* Bong | Nice Glass 12" 5mm Beaker
*Rolling Tray | Raw murder'd Tray
*Grinder| Herbies 2" 4-piece Grinder
*Ashtray | Debowler
*A few different lighters for when one disappears |Clipper Lighter
*A few packs of Pre-Rolls for back up | RAW Classic 1 1/4 Pre-rolls.
*Cleaning Solution | Grunge Off (For glass only)
* Rig (with a banger and Carb Cap) | Nice Glass Pyramid Rig with Banger
*Tool | Skillet Tool: Honey Bun
*Torch | Newport Regular Size Torch
*Can of Butane | Colibri Premium Butane
*Non-Stick Dab Mat | Errly Bird Dabsket Ball Mat
*Concentrate Vape ; In case of a Torch Malfunction | Shatterizer Concentrate Vape
*Cleaning Solution | Randy's Black Label (For glass only)
*A bong or rig made from Silicone or Acrylic
*A few extra bowls and stems
*Kind Cache Ashtray with Silicone top
*Padded Sheldon Black Carrying Bag.
*Herbies Lighter leash
*Smelly Proof Bags
*Smoke Buddy Personal Air filter
*Odor Eliminator Candle
*Raw Smell Proof Smokers Pouch
The options for cannabis accessories are endless. There's literally something for every scenario. Even if you decided you like smoking dried flower and concentrates, there's lots of attachments that can be bought to convert your bong or rig so you can do both. Longer existing headshops usually have a good variety of accessories and staff can be quite knowledgeable, especially if they've been there for a while. So, get your list of house hold items and school supplies together and don't forget to add a few cannabis accessories in case you want to indulge this year.