Big Larry Blogs
Alright guys, summer is here in Ontario; also known as pre-roll season
There’s lots of pre-rolls to to talk, and I’ll get to those another time, but today I want to talk about a product that is really starting to take off, especially now that the nice weather is here. It might even leap over pre-rolls soon as the top seller of the summer. That product is ice cold, cannabis infused, beverages 🤤
I mean what goes better with summer than a cold drink to cool you down. I don’t drink alcohol so for me these are my go to drink for any social gathering. I sip em around the campfire, at the cottage, or anywhere else I find myself lounging and relaxing.

There’s quite a variety of drinks to choose from these days so it all depends on your mood and what you’re doing. The Mollo’s, for example, are a great substitute for beer. They have a hoppy taste and come in one of those cool old school stubbies. Plus there are produced in partnership with Molson Coors so you know they’re genuine. Perfect for poolside, at a BBQ or just laying around watching the Jays game or something.
I like to switch it up though. Not going to lie, I love chugging back the fruitier tasting drinks on a hot day …or any day to be honest. I’m not shy with these things either; I’ll drink them on any occasion. I’ve even been knowing to pour them over vanilla ice cream for a makeshift cannabis float.
Sometimes I don’t like much flavour at all though and that’s where the sparkling waters come in to play for me. There’s a little taste to them but it’s quite faint; I find them to be pretty mild and very refreshing. I especially enjoy them at dinner. There’s drinks that have THC but I usually go for the high CBD ones myself as they’re a great way to wind down after a long day at work. I also enjoy them after a good workout, after day outside doing yardwork, or just before bedtime. I find they calm my mind while helping my body relax and recover.
And what’s summer without a cold iced tea! There’s a few different varieties of iced teas so most times I just make my own mixer pack with one can or bottle of each and I’ll take that to wherever I’m going. Other times though, I’ll just grab a few cans of the same kind and pour them all into a nice chilled jug with ice; instant hit at any pool party.
Those are just some of my personal summer favourites though so I encourage you stop into the Peace Pipe this week to see what drinks are calling your name. The cooler is always fully stocked and there is always new stuff coming in so be sure to keep checking in-store or online (PeacePipe420.com) to see when your favourite drink will be hitting the shelves!
…chances are it already has